Thursday, June 14, 2007


Hi everyone! We are Angela, Bart, Connor, Deirdre and Eamonn Murphy (not in age order). Just wanting to keep you posted on what's going on in our household!

Of course, this blog is inspired by Uncle Kevin (or Uncle DaDa, as Eamonn calls him). Here he is on his 38th birthday, with his two (soon to be three - girls)..

Deirdre is getting big, it seems that once she discovered solid foods, she is chunkin' up!

She does not find peas very appetizing!

Big brother is trying to be helpful, and feed her..... ( I think this resulted in some gagging..)

She and Eamonn are enjoying their summer so far..

I can't figure out how to rotate pics. Sorry so bad for first attempt. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Here is an attempt to get all three to say cheese!!!!